
J'aurais besoin d'une correction de ce texte en rapport avec la pollution:
(signaler toutes les fautes d'orthographe, grammaire, ou conjugaison, etc... Ou même je pourrais dire quelque chose autrement) Merci d'avance!

A part of pollution is caused by the industrial activities. They pollute the water and the air, but also the biodiversity.
First, a part of air pollution is due to the industrial activities by plane, car or by the factories.. The toxic gases rejected by them have consequences on the health of human beings because, some of them, are located beside the cities so, they pollute the cities an it engender diseases as cancer and asthma. But the factories are even more dangerous for us, because the acid gases rejected by them cause acid rains, which destroy the constructions, the vegetation and pollute the water. Plus, it aggravate Global Warming.
I think that they had better try to reduce their production or to find another way to produce, maybe more eco-friendly, without dumping their waste into the water . And the factories should relocate away from the cities. I think, that the most shocking, is the amount of trash dumped in the seas every year.

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Première phrase : is et caused ne marchent pas ensemble : is est au présent, caused est au passé. Soit tu mets au présent : "is cause", soit tu mets au passé : "caused".
"is due BY"
Je ne suis pas une pro dee l'anglais, mais j'ai réguliérement des 20 et toujours des notes au dessus de 16.
Je ne peux pas t'aider plus que ça car je n'ai pas le temps.
J'espère t'avoir aider pour ce tout début de correction.