
Bonsoir, désolé de déranger. Je dois donc inventer un conte, ce que j'ai
fais. J'ai d'abord tout écrit en français, et là je suis en train de tout
remettre en anglais, et j'aimerais que vous regardiez et que vous me
corrigiez en m'indiquant mes erreurs. S'il vous plaît, j'y ai passé
beaucoup de temps, j'aimerais vraiment avoir une bonne note. Voici le début du conte en français (il y a une suite mais je n'ai pas
encore commencé à la traduire)- Il était une fois un petit garçon orphelin, âgé de 11 ans. Il a perdu ses
parents qui sont morts dans un accident lorsqu'il était jeune. Il a donc
grandit dans un orphelinat, son caractère s'est renforcé, il est devenu
très rapidement indépendant.Il était 23h. Le petit garçon, nommé Jack était assis en tailleur sur son
lit, faisant ses devoirs qu'il avait pour le lendemain. Il était concentré
quand il entendit un bruit provenant de dehors. Il n'y prêta pas attention,
mais le bruit retentit une deuxième fois. Curieusement, il ouvrit sa
fenêtre. Il vit un oiseau tenant une lettre dans son bec. L'oiseau déposa
la lettre et s'envola, dans la nuit sombre. Jack prit l'enveloppe et
l'ouvrit« Jack Smith, tu te demandes sûrement pourquoi je t'écris et qui je suis.
Je suis ton grand-frère Jack. J'ai besoin de ton aide, je suis enfermé
depuis un long moment dans un château gardé par un monstre. S'il te plaît
prend ça au sérieux, et ne pose pas de questions. Tu es la seule personne
qui puisse m'aider. Je t'en supplie. Harry Smith.»Le petit garçon était en train de réfléchir, pensant que quelqu'un lui
faisait une mauvaise blague. Il se leva, se vêtit d'un épais manteau et
prit un sac à dos dans lequel il glissa la lettre ainsi que toutes les
choses dont il aurait besoin. Après-tout, il n'avait rien à perdre. Il en
avait marre de cette routine, sa vie banale. Il sortit par la fenêtre, et
essaya de se faire le plus discret possible. L'orphelinat était plongé dans
le noir, tout le monde semblait dormir. Il quitta l'orphelinat et se
dirigea en direction du Nord laissant son intuition le guider. Il était en
train de marcher, sans vraiment savoir où il allait. Le petit garçon,
fatigué, marchait dans une forêt et décida de s'arrêter. Il s'installa sur
un petit rocher, à proximité d'un ruisseau. Il s'y endormit rapidement.Voilà la traduction que j'ai faite :Once upon a time, an orphan little boy. He is eleven years old and he lost
his parents who died in an accident when he was young. He has grown up in
an orphanage, his character «s'est renforcé» he quickly becomes independent.It was 11pm. The little boy, named/ called Jack was perched cross-legged,
doing his homework for the next morning. He was concentrated when he heard
a noise outside. He didn't pay attention, but the noise rings second time.

Curiously, he opened the window. He seen a bird who has a letter in his
beak. The bird «pose» the letter and it flew away. Jack taken the letter
and opens it.« Jack Smith, you wonder certainly why I wrote you and who I am. I'm your
grand/big brother Jack. I need your help. I'm locked since a long moment
into a castle kept/guarded by a monster. Please, takes it seriously and
don't ask a question. You are the only person who could help me. I beg you.Harry Smith, your brother »The little boys was reflecting. He thought that it was a joke. He
eventually gets up, dressed in a big coat and took a bag in which it put
the letter as well as of other one useful things. He had nothing to lose.
He had it has a good laugh of this routine, his commonplace life. He
took/brought out through the window most discreetly possible. The orphanage
was plunged into the dark, everybody seemed to sleep. He left the orphanage
and went in the direction of the North letting his intuition guide him. He
was walking without knowing really where he went. The little boy, tired,
walked in a small forest and decided to stop. He settled down on a small
rock, near a brook. Hequickly fell asleep there.Voilà, alors pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plaît? Merci d'avance, vraiment!

Répondre :

There once was a little orphan boy, aged 11. He lost hisparents died in an accident when he was young. It thereforegrew up in an orphanage, his character is strengthened, it becameindependent very quickly. It was 23 hours and the boy, named Jack sat cross-legged on her bed, doing homework for the next day he had. He was focused, when he heard a noise from outside. He did not care, but the noise sounded again. Curiously, he opened his window. He saw a bird holding a letter in its beak. The bird dropped the letter and flew away into the dark night. Jack took the envelope and opened it "Jack Smith, surely you wonder why I write and what I am. I'm your big brother Jack, my name is Harry. I need your help, I'm locked in a long time in a castle guarded by a monster. Please take this seriously, and do not ask questions. You're the only person who can help me. I beg you. Harry Smith. "The little boy was just thinking, thinking someone himwas a bad joke. He got up, dressed in a thick coat andtook a backpack in which he slipped the letter and allthings he would need. After all, he had nothing to lose. Itwas tired of this routine, the mundane life. He went out through the window, andtried to be as unobtrusive as possible. The orphanage was plunged intoblack, everyone seemed to sleep. He left the orphanage andheaded northbound leaving his intuition guide him. He waswalking, without really knowing where he was going. The little boy,tired, walking in a forest and decided to stop. He settled ona small rock, near a stream and fell asleep quickly.