
Bonjour, est-ce que vous pouvez me faire un texte en anglais ( 5 lignes minimum) sur comment a évoluée la société de 1900 à nos jours (exemple le droit de vote des femmes, le racisme aux etats-unis...). C'est urgent, merci de m'aider au plus vite, jusqu'à lundi soir maximum. Merci beaucoup!!

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There was a lot of modifications in the global way of life and the society during the last century. Thanks to the mechanization of the industry and farming, the Europeans had some period of great growth that came with a new buying power and consumption pattern. In the same time, we noted an improvement of women social condition. They won the right to vote and they began to office some jobs that were restricted to men. The racism was, for the first time in the History, clearly denonced by several groups like Malcolm X and Rd Martin Luther King who were murdered for their commitment.