
s'il vous plait pouvez vous m'aidez write a paragraph about one of your friends, concerning a bullying incident ?
What would you like to say to bulliesmerci d'avance

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Don't put up with bullying in your school, group or community! It is not Just a part of life or a normal part of growing up.
Bullying usually involves three individuals or groups: The bully, the victim and the bystander. Bullying is repeated, aggressive behaviour towards one person from another person or group of people and it is hurtful. It might be shoving, name calling, shunning, lunch stealing or even gossiping.
You may think that as long as you're not hurting anyone, but that's not true, the bystander plays an important role in a bullying situation.
Most kids feel uncomfortable witnessing bullying, but very few intervene.