
Bonjour, je passe bientôt mon oral de bac en anglais, et j'aimerais savoir si mon texte ne contient pas de fautes de grammaires ou d'ortographes. Merci beaucoup.
I am going to talk about the notion “Myths and heroes”. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, and it is an allegorical tradition that is based on a true story, historical or philosophical.
A hero is a person who is differentiated by her courage and ability, and who is admired for their brave and noble qualities. He can be a mythological figure or he can be also simply a modern-day hero, a person who has performed a heroic act.
That is why it is interesting to wonder...

What to be a hero or a myth? / How have they made an impact on our lives?

To answer this question, at first, I will begin by talking of people are become heroes be they symbolize political resistance. In second time, I will finish with heroes can also be anonymous

Part 1 :

First, let us give examples of heroes and why they are considered as such. Some people have become heroes, because they symbolize political resistance. Nelson Mandela stood up against Apartheid in South Africa, because in 1948, the government legally decided to make a difference between racial groups: apartheid. Nelson Mandela was a black leader opposed to the government. He was arrested many times and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Moreover, Martin Luther King is a nonviolent activist for the civil rights of the Blacks in the United States, for the peace and against the poverty.

But also, there is Rosa Parks who was an African American civil rights activist. She was called "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement" after to refuse to give up her seat to the white man.

Finally, In class, we have to study Gandhi and we saw that he was born in 1869 and he came from the upper class. He inspired civil right movement leaders as Nelson Mandela and ML King. However, he was imprisoned many times for fighting independence. Gandhi resisted peacefully, he organized boycott and protest marches and he went on hunger strikes. He used notably civil disobedience founded on violence. He wanted an active and provocative resistance, and to embarrass the British who threatened them as slaves, but also change their minds. He aimed to paralyze the country, no buses, no trains, no administration, and no factories.
Thanks’ to Gandhi, in 1947, India becomes independent, that's why he was called the Father of the Nationality.
I decided to speak to you about heroes who fought for their country, but there are notably Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs who are too considered to be heroes thanks to their inventions which allowed the world of evolving

Transition : A hero is not inevitably somebody known, there are also heroes of the daily.
Part 2 :

First of all, Heroes may also influence people's life and career. We all have dreams and we all have model.
A hero can be someone around. When we are young, we considered a member of you family as a hero. For example when we are a little girl we can admired his father.
To have a hero can help us to surpass our tests, and give us force and their courage to succeed. The heroes can show the way has to take.
However heroes all isn’t willy-nilly known, heroes can also be anonymous, for example doctors, policeman, fireman and nurses who spent their time for saving lives and these men endanger their life to help the population. They have to devote their times to the others.

Besides, to finish, there are also the heroes who are people as us, and who allowed to save somebody during a dangerous situation, as for example 2 soldiers American and French stopped a terrorist in a train. They received the Legion of Honor further to this heroic act

To conclude, the history was marked by people who were defending the populations.
And, in my opinion, I think that society needs heroes to give hope trust people. People need an example in their lives. A man can then become a hero by his actions and his behavior. And a hero can by afterward become a myth. For me Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks became a myth because they it is quite beaten the life for the freedom of the black people.

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Aucune faute bravo tu n'as aucune faute d'orthographe ni de grammaire 
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