Bonjour, j'ai corrigé les passages où il y avait des fautes. Dans l'ensemble c'est pas trop mal mais je te conseillerais de développer un peu plus les personnages que tu cites pour illustrer le "britishness". De plus, les clichés que tu cites sur les britanniques sont un peu légers et pas assez développer. Pourquoi ce goût prononcé pour le thé ? Pour quelles raisons la culture populaire (musique, art, humour) est devenue presque institutionnelle contrairement à la France, qui glorifie les intellectuels et les penseurs, apôtres de la pensée officielle? Ces questions peuvent t'aider à développer ta présentation.
First, I would like to remind that the collective identity of a society is based on myths and heroes.
OUFirst, I would like to remind that myths and heroes are the core element (= l'élément fondamental) of that the collective identity of a society.
In class, we mainly focused on popular British characters. In fact, most of the British characters are related to Britishness somehow and, since they've become popular figures, these characters reflect perfectly the fact of being British. Also, famous British characters can be seen as Heroes since they have become part of British culture. We may wonder how the British characters are heroes, in this way we might have a chance to understand what Britishness really is.
First and foremost, we're going to look closer at Britishness. Then, we will see some of the most famous British characters that embody Britishness.
As a matter of fact, like it's said in the first document who deals about the real definition of being British, to foreigners the Britishness is relate to bad food (as Jacques Chirac said), rain, tea, the Queen and her corgis, double-decker buses and amongst other clichés that have been spread ø by television and films. Most of the stereotypes are true, like drinking tea everyday at 5 o'clock, but being British is more than that. Being British is about having a good sense of humour and “being classic with a twist” as Geordie Greig ø said. Indeed, Britishness is based on their specific history, for instance the military victories over most of their ennemies, the industrial revolution and the British Empire as well as their specific insular geographical position that makes this country unique. But I believe that one of the shiniest aspects of Britishness is eccentricity and the sense of humour as in the TV series/serial Little Britain that parodies British people in different familiar situations. In fact, the show mocks practically everybody, showing British people's ability to laugh at themselves. Firstly, we could talk about the main characteristics of the most famous characters.
Besides, we've studied one of the most famous British characters through the Trailer for Johnny English. The expression “classic with a twist” can apply in this situation:
To sum up, most of the British characters are a perfect representation of what Britishness is: from James Bond to Johnny English including Mr Bean and Harry Potter....