
Bonjour à tous je ne suis pas très fort en anglais et voilà que je passe l'oral du bac dans peu de temps, pouvez me dire ce qui ne va pas et me dire si ma synthèse/ma fiche notion est bien ? c'est sur la notion 'Spaces and Exchanges'

Spaces and Exchanges
Intro : I will talk about the notion ‘Spaces and Exchanges’. Spaces matches with the different countries and societies (---). The exchanges are the migratory, cultural, economic, linguistic … flow. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men of different societies. We will talk about the immigration, voluntary and necessary. A problematic could be where goes the migrants and what are the consequences of that departures?
Développement: First of all we can talk about the multiculturalism present in New Zealand. Indeed New Zealand is a land who welcomes many people each year. Europeans, Asians, Pacific Islanders … they are many people who choose to live in New Zealand for many reasons: there is a safe environment, beautiful landscapes, a welcoming population, an amazing history based on Maori culture and a lot of jobs opportunities.
This country is constantly evolving and all the different ethnic communities are living in peace. Many people come to New Zealand for job or studies.
Actually there are also exchanges, migrations between rich and poor countries. And now this is a real problem.
The border between Mexico and United States is a really dangerous place. The reason is simple. The south-Americans countries are In difficulty. So much people don’t find work then they want to try to go in USA to live better. They are many who believe in the ‘American Dream’. But the jouney is really long and hard. They can use the train ‘La Bestia’ (which passes from Mexico to USA). Many migrants try to survive in this train, because the life conditions are horrible, many of them dead in the journey to USA. In 10 years 3800 people dead trying to pass in USA.
In the actual word many people try to improve them quality of life. And to reach that they are ready to anything. We have the example of Africans migrants in Europe who try to pass by the sea in makeshift craft.
Conclusion : To conclude because of the globalization inequitable between countries the populations have to move to improve them life’s. So everywhere the people are in movement. The governments try to stop those migrations and because of that too much people dead, the others have to come back to them countries and to finish the little who succeed have a life too difficult than before.

Merci beaucoup pour toutes vos réponses :)

Répondre :

dans la partie Developpement/2è ligne: j'ai un gros doute pour "land who welcomes people".Pouir moi.welcome sans "s".
Après."they are".pour moi: there are

Super mais je te conseille pour ton bac d'anglais de réviser tout les points gramaticaux, d'écouter au min 30 minutes d'anglais par jour, revois tout le vocabulaire. Entraine toi à faire des compréhension orale pour la compréhension oral voici une méthode très simple:
Tu fais  un tableau de 4 collones la première colonne tu mets les what, la deuxième who, la troisième where, la quatrième When.

Tu fais un coté brouillon ou tu met tout les mots que tu as compris ensuite durant la pause tu ranges les mots que tu as entendus dans les colonnes.

Quand tu as fait cela tu fais les phrases en Français et tu as ta compréhension orale depuis que je fais ça j'ai au minimum 16.