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1- Victor Hugo became the leader of the Romantic movement with Gérard de Nerval and Théophile Gautier when they published Hernani. He had friends as Chateaubriant (who he admired), Lamartine, Musset, Sainte Beuve ...
V. Hugo was raised in a royalist family (his mother) . Then he was elected to the parliament as a conservative in 1848. But it lasted only one year. He was very concerned aboui abolition of the death penalty ('The last day of a condemed man"), free education for children, misery. When he was in exile, he wrote pamplets against Napoleon III. He became more and more a passionate republican being concerned by the social misery ( "Les misérables").
4 de ses romans
Han d'Islande - 1823 Hans of Iceland
Notre Dame de Paris- 1831 The Hunchback of Notre Damr
Les Misérables - 1862
L'homme qui rit - 1869 The man who laughs
4 recueils de poèmes
Feuilles d'automne - 1831 Autumn Leaves
Les chants du crépuscule- 1835 Songs of the half Light
Les Châtiments - 1853
Les Contemplations -1856 The Contemplations
4 pièces de théâtre
Cromwell - 1827
Hernani - 1830
Ruy Blas - 1838
Torquemada -1882
j'espère que ça ira
bonne soirée
1- Victor Hugo became the leader of the Romantic movement with Gérard de Nerval and Théophile Gautier when they published Hernani. He had friends as Chateaubriant (who he admired), Lamartine, Musset, Sainte Beuve ...
V. Hugo was raised in a royalist family (his mother) . Then he was elected to the parliament as a conservative in 1848. But it lasted only one year. He was very concerned aboui abolition of the death penalty ('The last day of a condemed man"), free education for children, misery. When he was in exile, he wrote pamplets against Napoleon III. He became more and more a passionate republican being concerned by the social misery ( "Les misérables").
4 de ses romans
Han d'Islande - 1823 Hans of Iceland
Notre Dame de Paris- 1831 The Hunchback of Notre Damr
Les Misérables - 1862
L'homme qui rit - 1869 The man who laughs
4 recueils de poèmes
Feuilles d'automne - 1831 Autumn Leaves
Les chants du crépuscule- 1835 Songs of the half Light
Les Châtiments - 1853
Les Contemplations -1856 The Contemplations
4 pièces de théâtre
Cromwell - 1827
Hernani - 1830
Ruy Blas - 1838
Torquemada -1882
j'espère que ça ira
bonne soirée
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