Bonjour vous pouvez m'aider merci pour l'exercice 2

Breakfast: I have breakfast in the morning.
A hot shower: I had a hot shower in the evening.
Homework: I do my homework with my Dad.
to school: I go to school by car.
a hot dog: I have a hot dog for lunch.
the Windows: I clean the Windows after work.
to bed: I go to bed at 02:15.
dinner: I have dinner at 20:00.
the washing up: I do the washing up with Mum.
exercices: I do exercices with my new computer.
up my bedroom: I clean up my bedroom with my family.
the ironing: I do the ironing after work.
a cup of tea: I have a cup of tea at 16:45.
J'éspère que ça t'as aidée. :-)