
Bonjour, je dois raconter une histoire qui fait peur en anglais ! svp aidez moi urgence ! Le texte dois commencer par "Flora
arived at (name of castle) just before surset" et terminer par "Read on to find out how Flora lived to tell the tale".

Dans ce texte, il doit avoir :
- Description of the place
- The hero's impressions
- Introduction
*- Title of story
- The hero's encounter with the gost(s)
- "Read on.."

Répondre :

Flora , left in scotland she find a village , she was a castle and she sayed that castles of scotland are haunted , but Flora left the first night she heard strangely noise , when she were missing her loggadge she find in the sub soil is was not the owner the folowing nights she yet heard noises and the last day her mother has disapeard she find in the sub soil with a board wich had disapeared and this board looked like strangely portrait of here mother ...

Read on to find out how Flora lived to tell the tal .