
bonjour aider moi silvouplais Complète ce dialogue avec can, can’t, must.
Pendant la visite d’un musée, le professeur rappelle
la conduite à tenir. Complète logiquement :
“Remember! You … eat or drink in the museum.
You … take photos, but you … use the fl ash.
You … touch the paintings or statues
and you … run around. Please, be quiet and respectful at all times.”

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Voilà la réponse

Exercice 1 : Complète ce dialogue avec can, can’t, must. Pendant la visite d’un musée, le professeur rappelle
la conduite à tenir. Complète logiquement :
a) Remember ! You can't eat or drink in the museum
b) You can take photos, but you can't use the flash

c) You can't touch the paintings or statues and you
can't run around. Please, be quiet and respectful at all times.
Remember! You can't eat[...]
You can take photos but you can't use the flash
You can't touch... And you can't