

anglais: Racontez une histoire au passé en utilisant les 2 prétérit (prétérit simple et le prétérit be+verbe en ing) en 7 ligne.

Merci a celui ou celle qui m'aidera :-)

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Two years ago, my friends an I were in Australia for few days. We were landing in Sydney at the same time as the queen Elizabeth !!! Incredible ! We were running as fast as we could, we hoped to see her, but alas, it was impossible, of course. Never mind !!! Then, we drove to the Kakadu National Park and we were very lucky because we saw the biggest crocodile of the park. One of my friends wanted to feed it, the crocodile seemed to be asleep,so he was approaching it slowly, when suddenly, it opened its mouth so big !!!  My friends was so afraid ! He became very pale and he was running very fast to the shelter, when he fell down ! Poor boy, not lucky at all !!!

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