
Bonjour je n'arrive pas a faire se devoir d'anglais merci de m'aider :

I wanna see a game that welcomes me with love and open arms almost on a weekly basis . Where i can stand and be with 20 thousand fans and not one comment that's said is racist . I wanna see a game without the hassle so when I open my mouth I can be myself and Prides myself because it didn't get left on the shelf . I am talking about a game where violence and racists aren't allowed . Just think how . We could all clean up football if we all understood . That violence and racism in football does more harm than good . And cos the clock is ticking I wanna see good games . All the same . Cos is took less than 90 minutes to see the violence starting . To hear the crowds in the stand start the monkey chanting . That made people all iver the world think oh no not again . What are we trying to pfove by using these words so profane ?
I wanna see a game I wanna see a game

a. How can you tell this is a poem ?

b. The author uses colloquial ( familiar ) expressions . Give examples .

c. Who is the target ?

d. Why are colloquial expressions used ?

e. What is the definition of a "good game " ?

1. What do these pronous refer to ?
-> I (l.1) :
-> We (l.7) :

2. What does "I wanna see " correspond to in standard English ?

3. What do these figures refer to ?
-20000 :
-1 :
-90 :

Répondre :

a) Repetition of I wanna see a game
b) Wanna, hassle, left on the shelf, the clock is ticking
c) The racisit public
d)They flow better for poetry and this person wants to show he is an ordianry football fan
e)No racism, no violence, nofighting, no profanity

1. The writer of the poem, We= everyone
 2; I want to watch a game
3. 20 000 fans, 1? 90 minutes (Ih30 le durée du match)