il n' y a pas indication limite de mots donc voici ma modeste proposition :
Hey you,
Unknown shadow hiding behind the screen,
Typing words dripping with venom keen
Hey you ,
Acting all tough but choosing victims meek
Hurting their pride, robbing their joy
Hey you
Waiting in the dark, Striking your victims down
They try fight back but you hold them down
Hey you,
Its raining today in someone's heart, no one to turn to, nowhere to run
Feeling so threat, all hope is gone
She trusted you but that trust you betrayed , you called her names, spread rumors&lies that spread like plague
Yes You!
You pushed her to the edge!
You pushed her over the cliff!
No witness you say , but we all know its You!
Cyber criminal guilty of crime , Against gentle souls defenceless to your vile
Behind that cowardly screen, serpent are you alone?
Wont you stop the threats now,
And think of the harm you've done,
For its never too late to atone.