
bonjour j'ai présentation en anglais est ce que vous pouvez m' aider svp de le faire le sujet est "my cause for concern" est ce que vous avez des idées aidez moi SVP. merci a l'avance

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Bonjour !

" My cause for concern" = ma source d'inquiétude....

Dommage que tu ne donnes pas plus de précision pour la longueur de cette présentation ni le niveau, ni de quoi tu voudrais parler ...
Par exemple ,, l'avenir de la planète ...????

My cause for concern is our environment, how much in danger our future is.
Because of the activities of some human beings and technoligical progresses, our planet is in danger. It's getting affected by air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, deforestation . Animal and plant species are disappearing, the lack of water, the global warning are becoming quite frightening.
If we all wake up, if we all contribute in our day life , we can help, each of us, step by step, to slow it down.
First of all,we have to reduce our waste. We shouldn't use plastic bags never ever from now on. We have to recycle as much as we can. We have to stop throwing away anything but try to repair first;  organic garbages have to be used for compost,  water taps have to be turn off as much as possible; when you brush your teeth, when you're having a shower, when you do (wash) the dishes , you shouldn't  let the water running. 
Electric equipments as TV's , computers, cell phones should never be on a sleep mode (mode veille) because it still uses too much electricity. Each time , you go from a room to another , do you always turn off (swith off) the lights ?
Although (Even though) it's a worldwide problem, we can and we must do this detailed work because it's for a good cause even if it looks as a drop in the ocean (une goutte d'eau dans l'océan).

A toi d'approfondir, de couper, de rajouter..
J'espère te donner une piste pour "your cause for concern" ....

Bonne journée