1- The first thing coming to my mind id "Whaouh, I'd like to be there !".It seems to be a paradisiac destination for holidays. Fine white sand on the beach and, even if the photo is in black and white, you can guess the sea must be turquoise.
2- The North East of Australia is one of the most important place for the Indigenous, the arboriginal culture. They have stong beliefs and want to be respected. The Ayers Rocks called Urulu, in the nothern side, is listed in the World Heritage Site by the UNesco.
Coming back to Kimberly and the King George waterfalls and the apparition of so many touristic tours, Chalarimeri is concerned by the environmental damages : bush fire, degradation of the environment, direct consequences on the tribal people (alcoholism, illegitimate birt, invasion of feral animals (invasive animals as pets which are imported diseseases).
Chalimari is one of the Kwini tribe born outside the tribe but speak their langage and report all kind of abuses tourism may have on the arborigenal culture. The ingigenous are dying wit the contact of tourism ,they abandoned their own beliefs (voir à partir de la ligne 10 le paragraphe) Their sacred places are not respected any more. Even though the tourists aren't allowed to climb on the top, for how long will it last ? They alredy can go on the water falls
an attractive destination = wonderful beaches, the coral reef, new landscape and cultures
Why tourism is important :so many unknow lands to disvover with a poor economic situation. The shores of Australia don't have so much problems but the inner land has a bad economic situation
Yes I'd like to visit Australia, because of this magnificent coral reef, because I love every country where English is spoken (even if Aussies have a particular accent) , I'd like to see the Opera Sydney House , but I will be respectfull of the arborigenal culture and I won't go I a touristic tour to visit their territory
je me suis réveillé à 5h et impossible de me rendormir.Alors voilà j'ai pensé à toi !!!!!
j'espère t'avoir aidé(e) un peu.
Bonne journée :)
(tu veux que je demande la suppression de tout tes autres posts pour récupérer tes points ???)