
Bonjour svp tache final d'anglais a loral urgent faite le corectement svp environ10 lingne
You are taking part to a casting to enter the famous TV showenter the famous TV showenter the famous TV showenter the famous TV showenter t
«Your class has got talentYour class has got talent ».
You have to introduce yourself in front of the jury, say what you like and dislike explain your talent. and dislike explain your talent. and dislike explain your talent. and dislike explain your talent. You have to convince the jury choose you

Répondre :

Hello, I am (nom, prénom) and I am (âge) years old. I am in (classe).

My best friend and my family told me to take part of this TV show casting. I

have seen all the season and I wanted so much to participate to it !

My talent is to be a "super idler". I never do anything. My speciality is

staying in bed but I also can wath TV during many hours. I hate doing my

homeworks. My parents are not very proud of my talent and they are not

very convinced of its existence. I made a big effort to come here so I think

that I deserve to enter in this TV show.