
Bonjour à tous, je fais appel à vos connaissances et capacités linguistiques qui sont sûrement meilleures que les miennes. Mon post est assez long mais j'espère que vous prendrez le temps d'aller au bout...
En anglais, je dois préparer un texte afin de passer à l'oral. C'est un entraînement pour l'épreuve orale du Bac. Je dois donc parler de la notion "l'idée de progrès". j'ai commencé un texte mais je bloque assez tôt.
Tout d'abord, voici ce que j'ai fais sur cette notion:
- innovation is great: Rolls Royce
- puis plusieurs travaux sur la génétique:
-une image "Clones R Us"
- une vidéo "Uses of genetic engineering"
- un texte: définition de "eugenics": Encyclopaedia Britannica
- un autre texte: extrait de "Brave New World": Science babies
- une compréhension orale sur la stérilisation forcée aux USA dans les années 30

Deuxièmement, voici mon texte:
I am going to talk about the topic of the notion of progress. First of all, I would to give the definition of this notion : The idea of progress concerns the notion that society can change in a good way in terms of science, technology, modernisation, democracy, life quality etc.. The progress is a development or an advancement.
However the idea of progress still causes debates, some consider that it will be beneficial, and other harmful. We may answer the question: Is scientific progress always a progress? My presentation will fall into three parts. We shall raise first of all the subject of genetic engineering. Then we shall handle the case of the eugenism and the forced sterilization, and finally we shall see if the progress is always beneficial and what about it on the ethical point.

Fist of all, genetic engineering is uses in plenty fields like industries, farming, pharming or medicine. It applies to bacteria, humans or animals and the first organisms genetically modified were bacteria. Genetic engineering seems to offer many possibilities. In fact, thanks to gene modification, farmers may reduce their dependance on dangerous substances and get ride of pest and diseases. Then animals can also be genetically modified. By changing animals genes, you can have a greater amount of raw material (leaner meat, more milk or more wool for example). That’s the first application of genetic engineering in the farming field. But it’s also uses with food because genetically modified food has ben sold since 1994. I fact, thanks to genes modification, the taste, the expiration date and the quantity of nutrients can be improved. Maybe a tomato can keeps its flavor longer and stays fresher… Then, genetic engineering is uses in the field of medicine or pharming. Medicine can be found directly in products if the animals or plant’s DNA is altered. For example, a glass of milk might be brimming with an antibiotic! Gene modification could also be used in order to improve the diagnoses and predictions of serious diseases like diabetes or cystic fibrosis. Genetically engineering is a big scientific progress which could be beneficial or not. But it’s the only one?

Secondly, we are going to talk about eugenism and forced sterilization. First of all, the term eugenics was coined by Francis Galton, a British explorer and natural scientist, in 1883. Eugenics is not a genetically engineering ………………………………………
Now, I will talk about forced sterilization………………………………………………….

Genetic engineering, eugenism and forced sterilization have a lot of advantages. But these have also many inconvenients and we can found a lot of cons.............

Merci d'avance à ceux qui prendront le temps de me lire et peut-être de m'aider.

Répondre :

I am going to talk about the topic of the notion of progress. First of all, I would like to give the definition of this notion: the idea of progress concerns the notion that society can change in a good way in terms of scientific and technological progress, modernization, democracy, life quality, etc. Progress is either development or advancement. 

However the idea of progress still causes debate, some consider that it will be beneficial, and others harmful. We must answer the question: must we treat scientific progress always as progress? My presentation will fall into three parts. We shall first of all raise the subject of genetic engineering. Then we shall handle the case of eugenics and forced sterilization, and finally we shall see if progress is always beneficial and its ethical standpoint.

First of all, genetic engineering has its uses in of plenty fields like industry, farming, pharmacy, or medicine. This applies to bacteria, humans or animals. The first genetically modified organisms were bacteria. Genetic engineering seems to offer many possibilities. In fact, thanks to gene modification, farmers may reduce their dependence on dangerous substances and get rid of pests and diseases. Then animals can also be genetically modified. By changing the genes of certain animals, you can increase the amount of raw material that can be harvested, for example you could have leaner meat, more milk from cows or more wool from sheep, etc. That’s the first application of genetic engineering in the agricultural field. But it’s also used with food because genetically modified food has been sold since 1994. In fact, thanks to gene modification, the taste, the expiration date, and the quantity of nutrients can be improved and/or increased. A tomato could have a better taste and stay fresh for longer. Moreover, genetic engineering has uses in the field of medicine and pharmacy. Medicine can be found directly in products if the DNA of the animal or plant is altered. For example, a glass of milk might be brimming with antibiotics! Gene modification could also be used to improve the diagnoses and predictions of serious diseases like diabetes or cystic fibrosis. Genetically engineering is a huge scientific progress which could either be beneficial or impractical. But is it the only one?

Secondly, we are going to talk about eugenics and forced sterilization. The term eugenics was coined by Francis Galton, a British explorer and natural scientist, in 1883. Eugenics is not a genetically engineering ………………………………………
Now, I will talk about forced sterilization………………………………………………….

Genetic engineering, eugenics and forced sterilization have a lot of advantages. But these have also many downsides and we can find a lot of cons.............