
Hellooo, enfaite j'aimerai savoir si mon intro pour mon oral de bac en anglais est correct ou non. Elle fait environ 50 s sachant que je n'y ai pas introduit mon plan. Et aussi la notion est Myth et Hero or, en classe, nous avons seulement étudié des héros (Nelson Mandela, Ruby Bridges and Malala Yousafzai) , dois-je donc y introduire des mythes ou pas ? Merci d'avance.

Mon introduction :

Today I’m going to talk about Myth and hero. The notion of hero has extremely evolved over time. Indeed, the perception of hero exists for several years and is different according to the epochs and the cultures. A myth can be designed as a story about god or hero. It can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion. Conversely, a hero can be a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film . It can be also a modern-day hero or simply a person who has performed a heroic act. They are symbols of peace, fight against racism, or equality. But a hero is not a model for everybody. Each one are sometimes criticized. To what extent does myth and heroes influence the behavior of our society form the 18’s to nowadays?

Répondre :

Oui, tu devrais introduire des mythes et ne pas te limiter à ce que tu as vu en classe.
Pour le début, tu devrais plutôt dire "I'm going to talk about myths and heroes".
Après, après "or" il n'y a pas de virgule (achievements or nobles qualities).
J'aurais modifié la phrase "They are symbol of peace, fight against racism or equality" par "They are able to be a symbol of peace, they can, for exemple, fight against racism and stand up for equality"
J'aurais remplacé "Each one are sometimes criticized" par "Every hero can be, sometimes, criticized"
Après... "does mythS and...fRom"
Sinon c'est plutôt bien.