
Svp est ce que vous pourriez m écrire en 15 ligne ce que vous avez fais pendant les vacances en fesant des phrases assez recherchée merci svp je suis noté c est pour demain

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slt cv? This holidays went to Nice to sees my family: my cousins, my oncle. When i arrived, my cousins took me to make me visit their city. After that, we went to the park etc.....

During my Christmas holidays, I'd planned to go skiing with my best friend and her parents. Un fotunately, my grandfather had to go to the hospital. He is quite old and that was quite serious. 
So we had to go there but he's living in the Alpes..not far away from a ski spot..
Therefore, my brother and I had the opportunity to go skiing almost every day. My parents were taking care of my grandmother and they visited my grand father at the hospital . We did too, but not so often. The hospital let him come back to home for Christmas day, but he had to stay lying down. We wouldn't mind to stay longer, but the next day, we had to go back home because our parents wanted to be sure our homeworks wouldn't be done  at the last minute. 

j'espère t'avoir aidé un peu

bonne journée et bonne année :)