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I want an immense villa in the Bahamas and much of ticketThe machine started to hum then to heat abnormally. Some indicators ignite but nothing goes. The man presses on some buttons, then shooting a lever. The machine starts again, an indicator ignites green some tickets leave. The dissatisfied man repeats while shouting “I want a villa, a villa in the Bahamas”. The man had forgotten that the machine could not offer this kind of thing to him. More the man was irritated more the machine was agitated, other tickets left. Finally it stopped producing tickets, then éteigna. The man lost his calm it relit the machine then, striking all the buttons, drawing any levers, it shouted still and still “a villa, I want a villa, a large villa, in the BAHAMAS”. Then the indicators of the machines flickered, from the green they passed to the red. Suddenly the machine started to vibrate a light smoke escaped the top, but anything else occurred. The man did not have his villa, it did not calm himself. He jumped on the machine, crushing the buttons, tearing off the sons and shouting “villa, a villa! “. As if the machine felt it more its irritation went up more she smoked. Suddenly it exploded, sending in the air the beer bottle, making burn the hundreds of tickets. When returned it calms it remained more that the man alone with some scratches, ashes of the tickets and remain to them machine in his hands, it had nothing any more but its martini to be comforted.
I want an immense villa in the Bahamas and much of ticketThe machine started to hum then to heat abnormally. Some indicators ignite but nothing goes. The man presses on some buttons, then shooting a lever. The machine starts again, an indicator ignites green some tickets leave. The dissatisfied man repeats while shouting “I want a villa, a villa in the Bahamas”. The man had forgotten that the machine could not offer this kind of thing to him. More the man was irritated more the machine was agitated, other tickets left. Finally it stopped producing tickets, then éteigna. The man lost his calm it relit the machine then, striking all the buttons, drawing any levers, it shouted still and still “a villa, I want a villa, a large villa, in the BAHAMAS”. Then the indicators of the machines flickered, from the green they passed to the red. Suddenly the machine started to vibrate a light smoke escaped the top, but anything else occurred. The man did not have his villa, it did not calm himself. He jumped on the machine, crushing the buttons, tearing off the sons and shouting “villa, a villa! “. As if the machine felt it more its irritation went up more she smoked. Suddenly it exploded, sending in the air the beer bottle, making burn the hundreds of tickets. When returned it calms it remained more that the man alone with some scratches, ashes of the tickets and remain to them machine in his hands, it had nothing any more but its martini to be comforted.
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