
Matthew veut maintenant que tu lui lises une histoire. Il s’agit d’un conte.
Mais il y a un problème : le conte est difficile à comprendre pour lui. Il souhaiterait que tu lui
expliques certaines choses.
Voyons si tu comprends l’essentiel de l’histoire.
Lis le conte et réponds aux questions.

Once upon a time, there were a King and a Queen who lived in a castle with their
beautiful daughter…
One night, an ugly monster captured the kind Princess and locked her up in his huge,
dark tower. The King and Queen were very sad and they promised to give a bag of
diamonds to the brave Knight who would rescue their gentle daughter. All the Knights
around the kingdom wanted to save the charming young girl. They rode their horses to the
tower as fast as they could. The nasty monster roared dreadfully when he saw the Knights
It was so scary that they rode away as fast as they could! What brave Knights!
One day, a friendly dragon heard the young lady cry for help. The dragon entered the
tower, took a big sword and killed the monster. The dragon rescued the princess from the
tower and gently put her on his strong back and flew high in the sky. They flew over the
tower, over the castle, over the mountains and caves, over the oceans. The dragon and the
Princess eventually arrived at the castle.
The King and Queen were so happy to see the princess again! They gave the dragon a
bag full of diamonds. He was rich now! The Princess gave the dragon a kiss to thank him
and suddenly he became a handsome Prince!
They got married and lived happily ever after.

Matthew voudrait que tu trouves dans l’histoire 2 mots transparents (il en a entendu parler, mais il
ne sait pas ce que c’est !) :
Trouve 2 adverbes dans le conte (que Matthew n’a sans doute pas compris) :
Relève 4 verbes irréguliers :
Relève 4 façons de nommer la princesse (les référents) ; cela pourra aider Matthew à mieux
comprendre l’histoire :

Répondre :


mots transparents = dragon, brave (ils doivent être orthographiés comme en français)

adverbes = once, eventually

4 verbes irréguliers = were (be), rode (ride), took (take), flew (fly)

4 façons de nommer la princesse = beautiful daughter, gentle daughter
charming young girl, young lady

bonne soirée ;)

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