
Bonjour je suis en terminal ES. Et j'ai besoin d'aide pour mon devoir 4 d'anglais. je dois faire un essai en lien avec la notion the idea of progress.On m'a donne comme suppport 3 documents: deux document ecrit et un audio.J e n'arrive pas a degager la problematique qui lie les trois docuemnt..J'aimerais que vous m'aidiez svp!!!

docuemnt1:the population pf Idia
Document 2 two stories, india's economic contrasts
Document3:changing India, Farewell to an India I hardly knew

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Population of India 2016

As of 1 January 2017, the population of India was estimated to be 1 336 191 444 people. This is an increase of 1.26 % (16 613 486 people) compared to population of 1 319 577 958 the year before. In 2016 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 17 154 513. Due to external migration, the population declined by 541 027. The sex ratio of the total population was 1.068 (1 068 males per 1 000 females) which is higher than global sex ratio. The global sex ratio in the world was approximately 1 016 males to 1 000 females as of 2016. See also map of the world by sex ratio of total population.

Below are the key figures for India population in 2016:

26 932 586 live births9 778 073 deathsNatural increase: 17 154 513 peopleNet migration: -541 027 people689 910 921 males as of 31 December 2016646 280 523 females as of 31 December 2016 India population 2017

During 2017 India population is projected to increased by 16 822 650 people and reach 1 353 014 094 in the beginning of 2018. The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 17 370 489. If external migration will remain on the previous year level, the population will be declined by 547 838 due to the migration reasons. It means that the number of people who leave India to settle permanently in another country (emigrants) will prevail over the number of people who move into the country (to which they are not native) in order to settle there as permanent residents (immigrants). Population dynamics in 2017

According to our estimations, daily change rates of India population in 2017 will be the following:

74 717 live births average per day (3 113.20 in a hour)27 127 deaths average per day (1 130.27 in a hour)-1 501 emigrants average per day (-62.54 in a hour) The population of India will be increased by 46 089 persons daily in 2017.
India population density

India population density is 406.5 people per square kilometer as of January 2017. Density of population is calculated as permanently settled population of India divided by total area of the country. Total area is the sum of land and water areas within international boundaries and coastlines of India. The total area of India is 3 287 260 km2 according to the United Nations Statistics Division .