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We are going to talk about the notion of myths and hero. First of all, we are going to give a quick definition of a myth and a hero.
A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or an ideal. Then, a hero is a person admired for his achievements,a person who has great qualities such as courage and strength. Moreover, they can be fictional like captain america.
The american myths influenced people to leave their country for USA and some heroes influenced people to join their ideology. It's why we chose to answer to this research question: how did myths and heroes have an influence on people ?
To begin we are going to talk about the influence of heroes and then the influence of american's myths.

The hero in real life is a person who save people at his own risk like firefighters and policemen. These persons don't have special powers but in most cases they did a great action that is allowing to consider them as a hero like after the terrorist attack on September 11th ,2001 where firefighters and policemen died during their rescuring mission. These heroes became a hero for people because they « gave up » their life for another could live. They inspire respect and motivation for people. In fact the image of these hero let them to improve the reputation of firefighters and policemen and then people want to help like these heroes.
The hero it's also a person who defend the civil rights of people like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela who fought against racial segregation during the 20th century. Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King have dedicated themselves to defend the black people rights. That's these persons are symbols of the protest for the black people who listened, trusted and joined them to fight injustice between white and black people. The significant presence of people and the tv audience during the speech of Martin Luther King « i have a dream » (1963)shows that he had a big influence on people.

The self made man is an american myth where a person can get rich from scratch like john davison rockfeller who built step by step an empire of petrol in 1870 and became the first billionaire of modern times.This myth permites for USA to attract many inverstors because many people want to make money like Rockfeller, like Mickeal DELL, an irishman who became billionaire in 2000, with his computer company founded in 1984 when he is 19 years old with 1000 dollars.
The "American dream" is a myth which promises better living conditions in America and highlights the model of a united family living in a nice house surrounded by a lawn. This myths has led millions of immigrants to see America as a promised land, like the irish immigrants who came in USA between 1845-1848 to escape at the great famine in Ireland caused by the bad harvest of potatoes. The important immigration in USA show that these myths had a big influence on people.

To conclude, a hero is anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem or a altruistic person like firefighters or policemen. It can be also a person who defends the public interest. A hero is also a symbol who is respected for his actions and had an influence on people like Martin Luther King.
A myth is an idealistic lifestyle like the « self made men » and the « American dream » who influenced a lot of people to came in the USA to have a better life.
We can ask the influence from heroes and myths can be used to control the people like Adolf Hitler who was considerated like a hero by the german people because he saved the economic situation of Germany after the First World War, but he used his influence to control the people and to spread out his anti-semitic idéology.


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-sans doute utiliser le I au lieu de We
-remplacer "these heroes became à hero for people. .." par "these people became heroes because they gave their lives for other could live"
-ajout : a hero in literacy (mythology) achieve à task to prove his heroism and can become part of godness
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