
Bonjour, j'ai rédigé un entretien d'embauche en anglais pour un oral et j'aurais besoin d'une correction.
Merci d'avance.


-Hello, erm … my name is _______, I'm 15 and I live in your apartment block.
So, I saw your ad at the lobby of the building for a babysitter. Are you still looking for someone ?

Oh, Yes, I haven't found a babysitter yet.!
, Er...Come with me.

Sounds great !
You can sit down.
(Thank you) n b
Let's see... why would you do this job ?
Hum, if I get this job I will buy new video-games and shoes with my pocket money. I'm really poor !

I see, .. Why should I employ you and not someone else ?
Erm... Juste because I'm extremely reliable and, and and … caring, diligent, cautious : I'm the one you need.  !Tell me, How often would you need me ?
Yeah, yeah... er... I need you after school and probably Saturday evening... er, from 6pm to 11pm... That's okay ?
Well, er... no problem I'll available. It would be awesome, I'm looking forward ! So, what will I have to do ?
You have to look after him so you must play with him, Oh, you must tell him stories and sing !
By the way, he's called …. and he's only two years old so he's very cute.
Yeah, yeah I guess so. How much would I get ?!
Let me think... 3 pounds an hour... does that sound OK to you ?
She's crazy... No, no, I mean that's perfect,fine, good , excellent. When I start ?
Erm, ..* fronce les sourcils et hausse la voix* At least, have you ever take care of a child before ?
Ah.... , hum no, no, I've never done that before * sourire d'ange* but I've already taken care of a dog !
Blimey * désespérée, montre l'affiche avec en bas, marquez « expérience requise »*, get out ! Get out ! * la pousse vers la porte d'entrée*
Eeeeeeeeeerr, goodbyyee !
Anyway, I can't bear kids.

Répondre :


tout le début est bien.Pense à mettre des tirets à chaque fois que quelqu'un d'autre parle, et de la ponctuation ,ce sera plus lisible
I'll be available
When will I start ? // when do I start ?

Erm.....frowning (fronçant les sourcils) and raising the voice.
At least, have you ever taken care of.....
angel smile
Blimey(pas très utilisé , plutôt) Damn it (plus courant) you're hopeless. Just have a look at the bottom of the flyer, right here "Experience required" . It's there in black and white. So now get out from there,is here the door , get out !!

Je ne vois rien d'autre

bonne fin de journée :)