
Me revoilà !
Je viens de traduire ma notion de " Espaces et échanges ", j'aimerai avoir des avis me dire si j'ai mal traduit par exemples, si j'ai bien répondu à la problématiques..

How do the different cultures interact together ?

There are several modes of exchanges, by the flow human, I mean immigration in USA for example.

Many foreigner would like to emigrate in the USA, to believe in American dream. They hope to have new life, a work. USA appears as a world which have a lot of opportunities about work.

For example, the border is like a magnet for Mexicain immigrants dreaming a better life in USA. That's the reason why many destitute Mexicain cross the border, legally or illegally.

But about race too. This multicultural society possess positive aspects but also negative aspects.

Like we seen in the text “ See me as I am “ we can see that at Seatle, race it was a problem and it was not talked about because the city was very culturally open.
Audrey Carlsen has two ethnic identties, she's half danish and half chinese. Peoples seen her as an Asian, and for peoples around her everything revolved around her being asian.They don't care about her Danish identities.

Peoples makes jokes about small things like foods preferences, the shape of her eyes.
When opportunity appears, there are prejudiced, stereoptypes, jokes, What can be turn dangerous if one of them are into conflict.

Répondre :

Tu ne parles que des USA. Théoriquement tu devrais parler au niveau mondial. Également, tu ne traites que l'aspect négatif, il faut nuancé ton discours en y ajoutant des points positifs. Ensuite, fais attention à "I mean...", c'est très courant de dire ça pour un natif anglais, mais pour un niveau scolaire ça peut paraître familier pour certains correcteurs. Le but étant de répondre à la problématique de façon la plus neutre et objective. Tu peux dire " Let's take the example of USA" ou " To explain several modes of exchanges, i'm gonna take the example of USA" ou même " I will take the example of... for...".
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