
Bonjour, ce serait pour corriger mon oral d'anglais pour le bac. Merci
First, it seems important to me to define the notion "Places and forms of Power", power is the ability to control things or persons or to impose ideas, wills or plans. The first powers are judicial, executive and legislative, the others estates that grew up last century are the power of media, the economic system and Internet.
To introduce this subject, I started with the recent events in Venezuela with the approximate military coup. In fact, Nicolas Maduro gave the venezuelian power to military groups by means of the petroleumcontrol. This event made me think about political coups in general, especially on the legal ones. To what extend political coups can be negative or hidden into political maneuvers?

First, political coups are not legal at all, but sometimes, ssome democratic presidents didn't become president though elections. Indeed, a dozen of american presidents weren't elected, but they followed a legal way. In first, they all reached the position of vice-president, which is the president choice. Then, a probelm appeared with their president, most of time, he died, so the american Congress had to elect a new president, who was the vice-president. The other problem that can make a president resign his position is a scandal, which will force the congress to launch an implishement procedure, and if the majority is in favour, they have to institute a new president, who is the ex-vice-president. This theme is represented in the serie "House of cards" where a simple deputy manages to get to the president position without being elected and by using of his relationship. I think that the most famous case where the US president haven't been elected is the Lyndon Johnson's one. Indeed, he was the John Fitgerald Kennedy's vice-president, but after kennedy's death, Congress elected him president. Johnson even won a second term and gets ranked number 8 of the best US president in the past 50 years by The Ranker. But, as we have seen last summer in Turkey, political coups can also have a tragic end.

Indeed, military groups tried to reverse Recep Erdogan in the cities of Istanbul and Ankara. This putsch failed due to the overpower of the turkish army, led by Erdogan. After his loss, Erdogan took the control of Turkey in a more aggressive way, starting to punish every people who participated to the putsch, by the death sentence, executing them. 300 persons were killed, more than 6000 were arrested and then 24 journalists have been arrested too, so the press liberty decreased in Turkey since last year. Overall, this country tries to rejoin the European Union, but the negociation have been stopped after the putsch and the migrants crisis.

To conclude, political coups can be a way to get heard for minorities, but most of the time, it doesn't finish well, si in our mentalities, we link it with civil wars, but, as we saw, even in the most democratic countries, when they try to extol president elections by the people, even in those countries people manage to get to the president positionthough a legal way. That's why the definition of political coups can change with the mentalities, and is not forced to be a negative point.
Merci d'avance!