
salut s'il vous plait mes amis cette paragraphe est plein de fautes aider moi a courigé svp:
voluntary work is so important and that is our duty to help others in order to streng them the ties of brotherhood. to volunteer simply we can donate money or we can give needy people clothes or food. so if you wold to help others you can join charities, clubs or associations. to volunteer you must love others and enjoy the spirit of cooperation and humility. voluntary work is very fruitful, when you help a poor, an elderly, a blind, a disabled , a hungry or a homeless person, really you feel proud, happy, satisfied and great!. lastly, but more importantntly, volunteering leads you to find the joy of serving others and helping to improve our local community, make a differance, meet people, gain new skills and add a whole new experience, so in today's world it is important to be kind and we shold help people when we can