
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis étudiante en master et je dois rendre une synthèse en anglais, si vous avez un bon niveau d' anglais, merci de me corriger les fautes. ça m' aiderait beaucoup car mon niveau est médiocre. si vous pouvez m aider à améliorer les phrases, ce serait sympa sachant que j ai beaucoup de mal (certaines phrases sont difficiles à traduire pour moi, elles sont en français). mille merci
voici la synthèse:

the objective of this writing is to do an abstract of the research that i lead. i choose five keywords wich represent my research: " the language", " corners games", " a toy", " socialization" and " school inequalities".

for sociologist there was two category of person; rich and poor peuple. rich people have langage élaboré et les pauvres un language restreint. i make a research about the development in corners games precisely in nursery school with different toys
like cars, dolls, games construction.....in france, children who are between two and five years old are sending to schollin nursery school children. pauline kergomard is the creator of nursery school.

then when children come for the first time to school they discover a new " world" with others children. not to mention that a child grows in his family celn be difficult l the schooling cabecause of a feeling of abandonment. when a child is coming in a class he learned to talk with his family. beside each person is different and unique. therefore even child has different language acquisition and in a class there is different niveau. cela peut creer school inequalities. therefore i want to show why corners games can participate of the language development and how teachers create those corners games. pour réaliser cette recherche, je vais faire des observations auprès des enfants et des entretiens auprès des enseignants.

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Je n'ai pas compris toutes les tournures de phrase, mais le plus gros est corrigé. A approfondir. 

The objective of this writing is to do an abstract of the research that i lead. i choose five keywords wich represent my research: " the language", " corners games", " a toy", " socialization" and " school inequalities".

for sociologist there were two categories of person; rich and poor people.
Rich people have 
sophisticated language and poor had a simple language.
I made a research about the development in corners games precisely in nursery school with different toys like cars, dolls, games construction...
In france, children who are between two and five years old are sending to school in nursery school children. Pauline Kergomard is the creator of nursery school.

Then, when children come for the first time to school they discover a new " world" with other children. Not to mention that a child grows in his family celn be difficult l the schooling cabecause of a feeling of abandonment. When a child is coming in a class he learn to talk with his family. Besides each person is different and unique. Therefore even the child has different language acquisition and in a class there is different levels. That can create school inequalities. Therefore i want to show why corners games can participate to the language development and how teachers create those corners games. In order to lead this research,
I'll make some comments alongside children and interviews with teachers.