
bonjour pouvez vous me dire si il y'a des fautes merci !

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Me Dire Si Il Ya Des Fautes Merci class=

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we can see a man (pas men). They look happy? (il y a des gens avec lui? sinon c'est "He looks happy" ou "he seems to be happy"). He HAS probably... He is wearing a tail and a suit. The man is concentrated on his cellphone. He doesn't pay attention on where... C'est cellphone. He is heading.. He isn't aware about the consequences. According to him, everything is fine. Attention, tu as mis 2 a à cartoonist. the fact that they don't pay attention to their environnement, their action, they only think about their phones


We can see a man walking on the sidewalk. He looks happy. He has probably finished working because he's wearing a tie (cravate) and a suit. He is very concentrated on his cell phone, he doesn't really see where he's walking.
Its a very dangerous behaviour. He just walks quietly as if he was alone as  (alors là, je comprends pas...alors qu'il est dans la foule ???? si je me trompe , dis-moi et je corrigerai en comment) there's a crowd around him (il marche vraiment tranquillement comme s'il était seul alors qu'il est dans la foule). Moreover, he doesn't pay attention to the signs for pedestrians 'signes pour piétons) as "Danger, deep hole". He only is focused on his cell phone and nothing else.  It looks like he is heading into a disaster, he may be hurt because of his stupid comportment (pour pas répéter behaviour), but he isn't even aware of the consequences it could have. It's all all right for him ! The cartoonist is showing us how people doesn't look any more to other people. He criticizes the fact that they are acing as if they were alone. The only thing which they  think about and  take care is their phone !!

j'ai un peu changé 2 ou 3 trucs.....mais j'espère être resté dans ton idée !

bonne fin de journée !