
Bonsoir a tous!

Besoin d'aide en urgence svp! Besoin d'un correcteur, j'ai fais un devoirs en anglais j'aimerai savoir si il contient des fautes! Merci d'avance

Hello ! Welcome to London! Do you like the Carnival? You're not ready! Discover '' The Notting Hill'', the biggest street festival in Europe. It takes place in London. Every years it is attracts hundreds of thousands of people. It is known the worldwide and it was created by immigrants. The purpose of the carnival is to make people get together. This festival promotes the black traditions and the cultures. It is an extraordinary experience! The costumes is amazing and the music is the soca. How about to sing and dancing? Let's go to the carnival ''The Notting Hill''!

Merci encore!!!!!

Répondre :

Bonjour je recopie ton texte et je met en majuscule les fautes
Hello ! Welcome to London! Do you like the Carnival? You're not ready! Discover '' The Notting Hill'', the biggest street festival in Europe. It takes place in London. Every years it IS *attracts hundreds of thousands of people. It is known AS ** "the worldwide" and it was created by immigrants. The purpose of the carnival is to make people get together. This festival promotes the black traditions and the cultures. It is an extraordinary experience! The costumes ARE*** amazing and the music is the soca. How about SINGING**** and dancing? Let's go to the carnival ''The Notting Hill''!

*le is n'a rien a faire ici, ton verbe c'est attracts
** il faut mettre as, pour utiliser l'expression " to be known as ..."
***the costumeS est au pluriel donc c'est are
**** la bonne formulation est "singing" et non to sing