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Street Art : art or vandalism : donner son avis et rédiger (80 mots minimum).
-Is Street Art vandalism?-

Merci d'avance!

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Street Art: Art or vandalism

First, I will give my own opinion: for me, the Street Art is an Art when he's create in order to say something, to communicate with society.
There's so two sorts of Street Art, the vandalism, and the Art, it depends of the author, the theme, and many other things. If someone write or draw something like an insult or something else like that, it can't be considerate like Street Art.
But if someone draw something like a white person giving a hug to an other black person, with an inscription like "no racism" behind, are you seriously agree to say that it's vandalism ? I don't think so !

Voila, bon j'ai fait 108 mots j'étais inspirée aha :)