
bonjour, j'ai un devoir à préparer pour Demain en Anglais le problème est que je ne sais pas comment faire mes phrases, si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider s'il vous plait

Le sujet consiste " pourquoi vous voudrez pendant une année sabbatique aller dans les pays étrangers " Donner trois raison développer qui ne ressemble pas a une list.

Merci d'avance au personne qui pourront m'aider. Cordialement

Répondre :

Oui c'est une bonne idée de prendre un pays ou tu voudrais aller, et d'y raconter les raisons !

sinon voilà quelques avantages sur les années sabbatiques :

There are many advantages to this sabbatical year. For example, this experience aims for have a break for a year and trying one different life-style. Most of time, student want to settle abroad to gain mastery of language and have a unique experience working overseas..

Taking the gap year will provide you with enough time to think about the next step in your career without stress and hurry. Indeed, take the distance to his everyday life may useful, in order to make his own experience abroad while acquiring new skills. Abroad, the “gappers” won in maturity, in openness and adaptability.

Moreover gap years may you broaden your horizons.  That is to say that the things that you see the people you meet and the experiences you have during the journey can teach you something that you won’t learn in the lessons. The experiences you have gained will help you to build up your own career in the future.

Another point of taking the gap year is that you might be able to travel to meet different people and know diverse cultures; this will help you improve as a person and as well you may gain autonomy and organization.