
anglais bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp. Rédigez un dialogue entre un patient et la secrétaire du docteur Simpson pour une prise de rendez-vous (qui? quoi? quand? pourquoi? + formules de politesse).

Répondre :

Doctor's Assistant  : Good morning,Doctor Simpson’s office. How  can I help you?

Patient: Hello, I'd like  to make  an appointment to see Doctor Simpson, please

Doctor's Assistant Have you ever seen Doctor Simpson before?

Patient: Yes, I have around five months ago

Doctor's AssistantFine, what is your name?

Patient: X……  Y…………..  (choisis un nom et prénom)

Doctor's AssistantThank you Ms  Y…….., (or Mr Y……)  let me pull up your file… okay!  Well, There's a slot available at  nine in the morning on next Monday.

Patient: Sorry but I'm working. Is there anything available after five?

Doctor's AssistantLet me have a look. Hum… Not on Monday, but I have a six o'clock opening next Tuesday. Is it okay for you?

Patient: Yes, next Tuesday  at six would be perfect.

Doctor's Assistant: Alright, see you next Tuesday then.

Patient: Thank you for your help.

Doctor's Assistant: You're welcome. Goodbye.

Patient: Goodbye.
