Nowadays, it has became very important to speak English. It's an international language used in business or even if you're just travelling abroad, that's the only way, you'll be able to communicate with people, even though they don't speak fluently English , but the simple politeness sentences as "What's your name" "Good morning" "thank you" are universal and will help you a lot to meet new people.
Mor : Salif, why are you always missing English classes ???
Salif : Well it's just that I don't like learning English , that's all.
Mor : Bur do you realize that it won't help you later on, whatever you decide to do ??
Salif : But why ? I'm good at Math, French and every thing else.I just don't like English .....
Mor : Don't be stupid !! Do I really have to tell you that English is the language the most spoken....It has became, whether you agree or not, an international language........
Salif : That much !! are you sure ?
Mor : If on your CV , you don't mention you're speaking English, you're done !!!! You won't have any chance !!
Salif: Well, i'm going to think about what you just told me.....but in fact, I know you're right. I felt so stupid last time when an English or American tourist asked me something, I was just unable to say anything...... I lack self-confidence, I'm sure I won't succeed but if you help me....
Mor : Of course , I'll help you. But promise me you'll never miss English classes any more and I'll help you for all you missed
Salif: Ok. You're a great friend. I won't forget it. You've convinced me....
j'espère que ça te conviendra !!
bonne nuit !!