
Je dois raconter un voyage en anglais (lieu:Espagne date: decembre) besoin d’aide, merci

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Bonsoir Gemini99! Je vais repondre en anglais ok? :)
Did you ever travel to Spain? If you didn't so USE YOUR IMAGINATION!
Do you have a phone, computer,...? Great! You can find everything you need for the task!
You need only to remember these 6 questions: What? Who? When? Where? Why? and How?, and answer them.

What? = Quoi?
What is it? The answer, is a travel to Spain! Use it as the initiation:
"I have traveled to Spain on the holiday, it's a beautiful country..."
Who? = Qui?
Tell me who do you travel with! Or who do you meet?
" I went to Spain with my family and my friends. We were very happy here..."
When? = Quand?
You said that you will travel in December. You can say more about it. (Maybe it's winter, you celebrate Christmas, New Year's Eve,... Is it cold? Or it is warm? How are streets in the city? Are there lots of snowman mannequins? Are there colorful lights?... And you can use the internet to check images etc.
"It was Christmas holiday! It wasn't as very cold as in France. But I prefer here. There are lots of fun things you can do/or you can see here..."
Where? = Ou?
Do you live in a hotel on the holiday? Where do you eat? Do you eat at the hotel? Or some restaurants? Describe how your meals are! And what you eat too :) And for more details, you can use "THE MAGICAL INTERNET" to check prices and say about it.
Why? = Pourquoi?
There are many reasons to travel to Spain. Maybe you have never been to Spania and this is your first chance? Or you visit your siblings, relatives? Choose your own reason!
How? = Comment?
How do you travel to Spain? How is it?
"I traveled by train/boat/airplane. The services were excellent! I really like..."

And here are some details you can add to your homework:
- How many days did you travel to Spain?
- What's your feeling about this trip? Excellent? Good? Bad?
- Say what you like/don't like.
- Did you get any souvenir? Describe it!
- Did you have any new Spanish friends? Tell about him/her!

J'espère ce vous aide ^^ Bonne chance!
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