
hey est ce que vous pouvez me dire si il y'a des fautes ? Merci

I Have choose the telephone. It was invented in 1876 (one thousand eight hundred seventy-six ) by Alexander Graham Bell , a scientific engineer and inventor Scottish / Candian of nineteen century. The recherch lead since 1870 ( one thousand eight hundred seventy) for gives at the same line of the telegraph to using alternating and no-continuous current , which would lead the invention of the telephone. The March 10 1876 (one thousand eight hundred seventy-six ) Bell manages to transmit to a room on another floor, where was held his assistant Thomas Watson , a famouse phrase : « Mr. Watson, come here , I need you ! ‘’ . The telephone permit to communciate with the whole word. It’s a veritable revolution of the mode of communication. He was developed to fast over the years. Today the telephone the more used is the telephone mobile, everybody use dit. They could be have many sometimes . Mereover he used for the majority of job. Today it’s essential !

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Je crois qu'il y a quelques fautes de traduire comme
1/ The recherch = The research

2/Famous phrase = famous sentence ( sentence c mieux que phrase )

3/The telephone permit to communicate = with telephone you can communicate with the whole world

4/Today the telephone more used = (pour éviter la répétition tu dois remplacer les mots par ces synonymes , tu peux dire => Nowadays telephone Mobil is the fastest and most importante usual thing between people

5/Today it's essential = Today telephone is one of the inevitable things in our life

J'espère que ça t'aider.....