
Je suis en 6 eme jai vraiment besoin d'aide
Il faut que je fasse un synthese a partir de ces mots
Shonny :
Young girl /12
1 st day in a secondary school
A big day =an important day
A house/a bedroom
A school uniform :
A blue and grey tie
A white shirt
A black blazer
Emoji feelings :

Bonus : primary school / secondary school
High school -last school- yesterday -today tomorrow -next week

Merci bcq

Répondre :

Salut je suis bilingue alors je pense que je peux t'aider
Shonny is a girl, she is 12 years old today is her first day in secondary school 
it is a inportant day for her, it's her first day! In her bedroom she is putting on her uniform she has to put on a blue and grey tie a white shirt and a black blazer. She is going from primary school to secondary school tomorrow!
On espere que ta prof aimera!!