
bjr 2 questiin sur l'inde doc a et b svpp

Bjr 2 Questiin Sur Linde Doc A Et B Svpp class=

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I learned (learnt; les 2 sont admis) how India got its independance and when.
I didn't have any notion about its total population, however knowing it was a very populated country., all their religions and languages. To me, they were almost all Hindus and were speaking Hindi.....I also learned(learnt - fais juste attention de mettre la même chose) the way their society is economically growing up.

What stuck me the most is the number of different religions and languages.
And the poverty, even though we have always known people were poor. But it's something I can't get use to....This country is growing fast economically, but the gap between those who have nothing and those who have it all seems to never stop.

J'espère que c'est assez long et que ça te conviendra.

Bonne journée !
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