
Bonjour je n'arrive pas à faire cet exercice d'anglais pouvez-Vous m'aider svp !

Pose la question au preterit simple ou be+ing sur ceux qui est entre parenthèses :

1. Tom was (in town) when i phoned
2.They were angry (because they lost their phone)
3. She bought an amazing present (for me)
4. She woke up (at 10) on Sunday
5.They went to Italy (by plane).
6.I felt (very happy) when i saw him
7.They won (£1000) on the lottery
8. People were screaming (because they were angry)
9. (The neighbours) came back (yesterday)
10. They (were sleeping) (when i phoned)
11. Bill was (in New-York) last month
12.He was (12) when he started the drums
13.(My bestfriend) was working yesterday

Répondre :


1.  Where was Tom when you called him ? 
2.  Why were there angry ? 
3. For who did she bought an amazing present ? 
4. What time did she wake up on Sunday ? 
5. By what they went to Italy ?
6. How much they won on the lottery ? 

Je te laisse faire la suite ^^ 

1- Where was Tom when I phoned ?
2- Why were they angry ?
3- Who did they buy an amazing present for ?// For whom did they buy an amazing      present ?
4- What time did whe wake up on Sunday ?
5- How did they go to Italy ?
6- How did I feel when I saw him ? How did you feel when you saw him ?
    ça dépend si tu reprends les sujets de la phrase initiale ou si tu poses une                   question....Je ne sais pas comment vous faites avec ton/ta prof ?
7- How much did they win on the lottery ?
8- Why were people screaming ?
9- Which people did come back and when ? (???)
10- sûr qu'il ya 2 fois des parenthèses ???? (réponds en comment...je te donnerai la        réponse) même en français je sais pas trop comment poser la question....What            were they doing and what was I doing ? ??????C'est nul !!!
11- Where was Bill yesterday ?
12- How old was he when he started the drums ?
12- Who was working yesterday ?

verbes mode interrogatifs preterit = did + subject + verb + ?
sauf Be = Be + subject + ?

vérifie les parenthèses de la 10 et 11 STP c'st bizarre surtout la 11....je te répondrais en comment....

Bonne journée :)