
Bonjour pouvez-vous me corriger les fautes d'orthographe ainsi que la grammaire, merci de votre compréhension:

Hello, my name is Ewan, I’m nineteen, I’m a student in faculty of psychology. I’ve taken to see you because my doctor has confirmed to me my psychological disorder: The Achluophobia (being scared of the dark and obscurity)

In the short term, I shall wish to be more confident; decrease these crisis situations, less think of this phobia
In the long term, be free

No, my parents as well as my brothers don’t have this phobia

The phobia began in my teenage years, at the age of fifteen. I wake up in the middle of the night, I cross the corridors; I’m afraid to see “ bright eyes in the dark or shades on the walls”. Now that I live alone, it’s more complicated. I avoid talking about it to my parents for not to worry them. As a result, I stay at my home; impossible to go out in the evening with my friends.

When I was young, with my brothers, we are hiding in our house and I was often hiding in a wood chest, I remember that I was staying many hours shut in this wood chest, and I was anxious

Okay, no problem Doctor, thank you for these informations
By hoping to see the results as fast as possible

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je ne trouve qu'une seule faute tu a dit I’ve taken to see you because my doctor has confirmed to me my psychological disorder cette phrase n'est pas bien formuler il faut dire plutot I made an appointment to see you because my doctor confirmed my psychological problem:il a plus de sens