
serait-il possible pour vous de me corriger le texte ci-dessous, s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance.

PS : Je tiens à préciser que dans ce texte, je dois parler de ma personnalité (mes qualitésetc...), en quoi je suis bonne (sports, activités), mon expérience et.ou mes compétences et ma motivation donc s'il manque quelque chose n'hésiter pas à me le dire.

Hi, I’m ***, and I’m the friendliest and most energetic and smiling person you’ll ever meet!
I want to be a wildlife caretaker in Australia for many reasons.
First, Australia is one of the best places in the world with its beautiful landscapes and breathtaking sunrises.
Moreover, I’m very keen on traveling, discovering new places, meeting new people. learning about different cultures and languages (I speak 5 languages : French, Spanish, English, Portuguese and Japanese).

Last year I visited many parts around South America. There I climbed mountains like the colossus of America called « The Aconcagua » in Argentine ; I also hiked, ran marathons,, biked in the sacred valley of the Incas (and in the middle of nowhere), went elastic jumping on the cascades roads, went snorkeling and scuba diving. I’m quite athletic as well.
Oh, yeah I almost forgot : I'm a swimming olympic champion.

In all my years of living, I’ve seen a lot of animals, and I love them all equally, just like they love me back. With all that said, I think that I would be perfect for this job.
I also have a youtube channel to share my experiences with others and I’d love to do the same if I’m chosen, we could learn more about the Great Barrier Reef and Queensland together.

Next, I’m a great reporter and photographer. With these two skills, I travel around the world and gain more information about places than the common visitor would.
So please pick me for this job! I’m ready to be hired!
-At the best girl in the world to do the best job in the world-.

Répondre :

Bonjour, c'est tres bien ton texte ,y a rien a corriger mais je crois ca serait bien si tu ecris "first of all" aulieu de "first" c'est juste une proposition tu peux bien sur garder ce que t'as ecrit et en dernier t'as ecrit "next" mais je ne crois pas que ca marcherait tu peux ecrire : "at last , i have to say that i'm a great ..." ou "i guess/think" etc.
et voilà tout le reste est parfait :) 
Bonne chance !