

je dois faire la tache finale suivante en anglais : "you must write a fantasy short story in the past tenses" -> vous devez écrire écrire une petite histoire qui est fantasique. Minimum 200 mots

structure :

Beginning -> rising action -> climax -> ending

don't forget to incullde the characters' feelings and reactions, as welle as dialogues. you must use the prétérit forme (simple -> ed or irrugular )( continuous -> Be + ing) and the present perfect

avec mon amie, on a eu l'idée suivante mais elle est assez floue :

on est nouvelle dans une école de magie et le 2ème jour le prof nous demande d'aller chercher qqchose dans la salle "magic académie ". là bas le professeur transforme tous les élèves de la salle : Zoé devient une grenouille, Thibaud devient un vampire... et quand le professeur nous voit il nous transmet son "pouvoir" qui le hante car il n'arrête pas de transformer les personnes quand il leur dit " Hello you ! ".

le pb c'est que je ne sais pas comment commencer et surtout comment finir l'histoire.

la prof nous a donnée 2 heures de cours pour le faire ( 80 minutes en temps réel !!) et normalement on ne peut pas le faire à la maison.
merci de votre aide

Répondre :

It was our first day at the Magical Academy! I was so happy because I was with my best friend, Prénom. It was like a dream. When we were four we wanted to go to this school. 
The first day was a boring but an amazing day. I explain: I was in a magical school, with my best friend. But, all the things you have to do the first day are just boring. 
Wa ate together, Prénom and I. We had new friends: Zoe and Thibaut (le prénom Thibaut font vraiment très francais, on peu dire qu'il vient de france? Thibaut is French, he has a beautiful accent.) She asked me: "What do you think we will learn tomorrow?" I didn't know but I said to joke that we will transform humans into animals! She laughed.
We slept well, very well this night.  

The second day, we met everyone for the breakfast. All the students were here. I was tired, very tired. Prénom also. I just wanted to go to my bed and sleep until the afternoon. 
Thibaut came with Zoe and told to us: "Girls, we will learn magic today! Get up!!" He was right. Magic!
The bell rang and we ran to our first class. Everyone was very excited. I was, actually.  
In the classroom, the teacher said that we have to go in a room. I can't remember the name but it was a weird name. She asked me, my best friend Zoe and Thibaut to go. 
First day and already on a mission. Amazing!
When we entered the weird room, a woman cried something. I Hid with Prenom behind Zoe and Thibaut. We both shut our eyes I guess. But when we opened it, Zoe and the French guy weren't here. There was a frog and a... A man with long teeth. 
"Blood!" It wasn't Thibaut. He was like a... Vampire? But a vampire dinks humans' blood, we had to run. But the women said something and we just went to a black side. I can't remember who long. 
I waked up and saw my best friend. I was tired...
"Hello ya'" I still do not know how but he just disappeared. Where was he???
I get up quickly and saw an octopus.
Where was my friend?
I ran as fast as possible. In the playground, someone said me "hello" and he just disappeared. I can't understand why. 
Everyone, every student said "hello" to me. Everyone disappeared and became an animal - dog, horse, cat, rabbit, dolphin, penguin, fish, bird... What was this?
Like a flash, I remembered everything.
The class, the teacher, Thibaut, Zoe, the spell...
The spell!
 I was a witch now. 

J'ai pas trop d'idées pour la fin...