
J'ai un devoir d'anglais à rendre pour aujourd'hui !
Pouvez vous juste corriger mes fautes ? Merci beaucoup et bon weekend !! (Beaucoup de points sont à la clef)

The theme I picked is « Spaces and exchanges». Exchanges is trade people and shared knowledge and culture.
In class we focused of the artefact’s restitution museum.
We focused too on document sabout museum repartriation which name « Property of humankind ? » and « Digital restitution ».
We have studied and participed at debate. We have watched a Video of Maoriheads.
We can ask ourselves «How have cultural exchanges evolved from the time of colonization to nowadays ? »
To answer those questions, I will first talk about « At the time of colonization there was not cultural exchanges artefacts were stolen », then, « today the return of objects to their homeland is a very controversial subject» and to finish «Today solutions to repair the errors of colonization are proposed».

At the time of colonization there was not cultural exchanges because artefacts were stolen.
Thus in the 19th century many of artifacts has been robbed.
For example, when the Europeans started the war colonising Africa. Africans was obliged to offer a gesture of submission to the invader so it was not a gift.
There are many tomb which has been profane and desecrate.
And actually it exist a debat à propos de Elgin Marbles.
In 1801 Greece was diriged by Ottoman Empire and United Kingdom decid to steal Elgin Marbles at this Empire.
But now the Greek dirige Greece and they want to recover theirs artifacts.
Also currently it exist a debat à propos de Elgin Marbles.
In 1801 Greece was ruled by Ottoman Empire and United Kingdom decid to steal Elgin Marbles at this Empire.
But now the Greek dirige Greece and they want to recover theirs artifacts.

It is precisely this lack of exchange in the past which causes debates of today.

Indeed even today, the return of the objects to their homeland is a very contrversial subjet.
Many peole think works of art should be returned to their countries of origin.
Artefacts have volue for the culture and history of that area. You can only appreciate these artefacts in their context.
If one has been given back souldn’t they all be ?
They were stolen in the first place so repartriation is the right thinkg to do.
Despite lot of arguments, lot of people think artifacts are the property of humankind. They are a part of our collective story.
Even if the colonization has committed errors it has built our world.
We can’t say artifacts was stolen before so we have to return them.
At the time it worked like that. If we think in the same way the countries and territories that have been colonized must be returned? No it's not possible.
Moreover everybody must have access at foreign culture. Importants museum like British Museum or Le Louvre can share that culture with more people than Museum in Africa or other.

In the end fortunately, today it exist many alternative of MR.
Importants museum propose to create an objective Parlement who decide if the objet should be repatriate.
Moreover, real repartriation is not the only possibility.
Virtual restitution is a good idea ! Digitilization will force all museums to equip themselves with computers and adapted screens.
It could be the occasion to modernize all museums.
The actual artifact could be preserved in the West while being virtually available access to them for future generation.
Most of collections in Le louvre or the British Museum are held in storage virtual restitution will all people to finally enjoy them all.
Virtual restitution is better then nothing it is a good comprise until the safety (corruption theft) of an artifact somewhere else can be guaranteed.

To conclude cultural exchanges have not changed much than before because many nation want to recover theirs artifacts.
But many alternative are good ideas like virtual repatriation which help poor museum.

Thank you for your listening

Répondre :

The theme I picked is « Spaces and exchanges». First of all let me explain what is Exchanges well it is : trade people and shared knowledge and culture. 
In the class we focused on the artefact’s restitution museum. 
We noticed the document on sabout museum repartriation too which's names are « Property of humankind ? » and « Digital restitution ». 
We have studied and participated at debate. We have also watched a Video of Maoriheads. 
We can ask ourselves «How have cultural exchanges involved from the time of colonization to nowadays ? »
To answer those questions, I will first talk about « At the time of colonization there were no cultural exchanges artefacts were stolen », then, « today the return of objects to their homeland is a very controversial subject» and to finish «Today solutions to repair the errors of colonization are proposed».

At the time of colonization there were not cultural exchanges because artefacts were stolen. 
Thus in the 19th century many of artifacts have been robbed. 
For example, when the Europeans started the war colonising Africa. Africans were obliged to offer a gesture of submission to the invader so it was not a gift.
There are many tombs which have been profane and desecrate. 
Moreover currently it exists a debate about Elgin Marbles. 
In 1801 Greece was ruled by Ottoman Empire and United Kingdom decided to steal Elgin Marbles at this Empire. 
But now the Greek dirige Greece and they want to recover their artifacts.

It is precisely this lack of exchange in the past which causes debates of today.

Indeed even today, the return of the objects to their homeland is a very contraversial subject. 
Many peole think works of art should be returned to their countries of origin. 
Artefacts have value for the culture and history of that area. You can only appreciate these artefacts in their context. 
If one has been given back souldn’t they all be ? 
They were stolen in the first place so repartriation is the right thinking to do. 
Despite lot of arguments, lot of people think artifacts are the property of humankind. They are a part of our collective story.
Even if the colonization has committed errors it has built our world. 
We can’t say artifacts were stolen before so we have to return them. 
At the time it worked like that. If we think in the same way the countries and territories that have been colonized must be returned? No it's not possible.
Moreover everybody must have access at foreign culture. Importants museum like British Museum or Le Louvre can share that culture with more people than Museum in Africa or other.

In the end fortunately, today it exist many alternative of MR. 
Importants museum propose to create an objective Parlement who decide if the objet should be repatriate. 
Moreover, real repartriation is not the only possibility. 
Virtual restitution is a good idea ! Digitilization will force all museums to equip themselves with computers and adapted screens.
It could be the occasion to modernize all museums.
The actual artifact could be preserved in the West while being virtually available access to them for future generation.
Most of collections in Le louvre or the British Museum are held in storage virtual restitution will all people to finally enjoy them all.
Virtual restitution is better then nothing it is a good comprise until the safety (corruption theft) of an artifact somewhere else can be guaranteed.

To conclude cultural exchanges have not changed much than before because many nations want to recover theirs artifacts. 
But many alternative are good ideas like virtual repatriation which help poor museum. 

Thank you for your listening
Voilà j'ai corrigé tous qui me parait faux 
Bonne chance :)