
Sujet : dans la rue tu as vu un adulte qui maltraiter un enfant celui-ci a suscité ta pitié alors que tu t'es dirige vers lui pour l'arrêter raconte et rapporte le dialogue entre vous deux.
Aide moi svp

Répondre :

it was an unforgettable day , when I saw an adult mistreating a child that's why I decided to approach to advise him.

Me:what's going on?

Adult: look at this child, he's really rude .

Me: don't say that ,he's just a child .

Adult: No, he merits this kind of mistreatment.

Me:we are human and we shouldn't mistreat our children to build an amazing society, even he's wrong you shouldn't treat him like this way .

Adult: Oh yes you're alright.

Me: I hope that you will not repeat the same mistake.

Adult: thanks alot for your important advices .

Bonne journée!