
Expression écrite - Capsule temporelle
Tache finale:
vous écrivez un email que vous lirez dans 10 ans.
Juste avant d'écrire cet email, vous avez enterré une Time Capsule. Décris la.
ps:une time capsule est une boit ou l'on enterre des objets type
enfin des truc que l'on a aujourd'hui et que l'on aura peut etre pas dans 10 ans.

merci d'avance

Répondre :

Hello (ton prénom),

I don't know if you are going to read this or even remember you wrote it, but if you are reading this email, then I am very pleased.
Now if you are reading this, it's been 10 years, and I want you to do something for the both of us, I buried a time capsule in grandma's backyard, it felt right to put it there, next to her, like it would be an excuse for me to go back there.
In the time capsule, you will find a phone, iPhone 8, I don't know which one people will be bragging about in 10 years maybe the iPhone 20, you will find a journal, not mine but mom's journal, in case you forget about her, or forget about how much she loved you. You will see that I left 20 dollars, just to compare to the old version to the new one, in case it changes, and the last thing I left in the time capsule is a seed, I don't know if the world in 10 years will still be the same, but I know that today the world is a disaster, fish are dying, our food is not grown naturally, the air in many countries is hard to breathe, so I put this seed in the time capsule so you could plant it, in case there are not trees left.

                                                                                   Yours truly, (ton prénom)
