
Bonjour svp svp svp svp j ai besoin d aide je n'y arrive pas et je ne comprends pasaider moi svp merci d avance...

Bonjour Svp Svp Svp Svp J Ai Besoin D Aide Je Ny Arrive Pas Et Je Ne Comprends Pasaider Moi Svp Merci D Avance class=

Répondre :

Je te propose de répondre à la première partie de la feuille pour le moment. J'essaie de me pencher sur l'autre plus tard. Ca a l'air plus long et suis pas bilingue :-)

a/For reminder, Rosa Park was a black woman. At this time, Black and White people were separated. Rosa Park was sitting in the White part of the bus.
b/She was going at home after her working day.
c/A white man wanted her seat.
d/She refused because she was tired after a long day at work.
e/Montgomery buses were loosing money because all Black people boycotted the company. 

Bonne soirée


a- Rosa Park was sitting on a "Whites Only" seat on a Montgomery bus. (racial segregation period)
b- She was going back home
c- A white man asked for her seat.
d- She refused because she was tired after her workday.
c- The Montgomery buses were loosing money in 1956 because Martin Luther Kind had asked the Montgomery black people to boycott their buses when he heard about Rosa Park's story. It lasted for more than a year.

- King was studying in Pennsylvannia when he learned about the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi.
- While he was studying Theology at Boston University, he got married to Coretta Scott.
  (ou/ he married Coretta Scott)
- He was working in the church in Montgomery, Alabama, when Rosa Parks was arrested by the police(v. passive) (ou/ when the police arrested Rosa Parks (v. active) because she refused to give her seat to a white man.
- ..........
je me creuse la tête pour "1962-4 living in Atlanta"..... Il y est né mais je ne sais pas s'il y vivait.... peut-être as tu des infos sur un autre texte (Enter 3 ?)
peut-être à tout hasard --->
As he was living in Atlanta (????...) he was among the leaders of the peaceful march on Washington D.C. where he delivered his famous speech 'I have a dream'.
- Time Magazine named Martin Luther King 'Man of the Year 1963' 
ou si tu résouds le problème "living in Atlanta" --->
After MartinLuther King took part to the march on Washington D.C. where he delivered his famous speech 'I Have a Dream', Time Magazine elected him 'Man of the Year 1963'
- During Americans fighting in Vietnam, King opposed the war delivering another speech.
- In 1964, he won the Nobel Prize in Oslo, and was the youngest man to receive this prize.
- On April the 4th, 1968,  he was staying at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. 
As he was standing on the balcony of his motel's room, he was shot by James Earl Ray and died a few hours later at the hospital.

Pfffff ... galéré ne sachant pas si tu avais d'autres infos. Bien sûr, tu peux couper plein de choses 'en plus' que j'ai rajoutées ne sachant pas trop de quoi tu disposais...
A toi de voir et désolé pour le "living in Atlanta"......

J'espère néanmoins t'avoir aidé...

Bonne journée :)
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