
Besoin d'une correction de mon oral d'anglais svp car le bac est dans 2 mois!


1/ I'm going to talk about the notion of « spaces and exchanges ».First of all,let's define this notion :
The notion refers to the world, countries,borders(bords) that we cross or not, real or virtual spaces.This is the world we live(laive) in, we are to discover or conquer.This is 5/ the movement into this world which creates economic,political and cultural exchanges.
I'm going to focus on the idea of travelling. So why people try to emigrate in an other place?
I’m going to developp my opinion through 3 points :
10/ On the one hand, let us present what people are looking for by travelling.On the (zi)other hand, let us talk about the people who are pushed (pusht)to leave their home.Finally,let us explain the consequences of the migration.

Firstly, the migration can be a choice in order to impro(ou)ve knowledge and to become more open-minded.
15/ °First of all, some people get to learn more with the help of others who inspire them:
For instance« The beat generation »is a group of artist,of intellectuals who moved (mouvt)from NYC to the West Cost so as to meet a counter culture more authentic with relaxed(xt) mentalities like Buddism.
20/ °Moreover, some people get to learn more by sharing the lifestyle of locals:
The promotional video « gap year » incites the young who have just graduated(graduaitid) to volunteer in order to discover other traditions,other values and other beliefs.Consquetly, there are less prejudices towards other countries.
°Finally, some people get to learn by observing the nature
25/ Like the character (caracter) Christopher in the novel «Into the wild»who incarnates the freedom because he rejects his wealthy life to go to Alaska.He travels to know more about himself and to get more humility and wisdom by jeopardising his life tanks to the harsh wild.

We can leave our habits to answer our spiritual quest wich allows ideological and 30/ cultural exchanges but sometime we’re forced (forste)to exi(ai)le because we flee something.
Secondly, the migration can be forced.
°The flight (flit) be might based (bast)on an economical hardship.
Indeed, in the document entitled (intaitaul)«The grapes of wrath» a family of farmers is 35/ constrained to leave from Oklahoma to California owing to the drastic climate . Consequently, they’ve not been abble to pay the rent so they were obliged (eublowcht) to leave to save the economic system.
°Futhermore, the flight be might based(bast) on an political hardship
Such as the americain riders in the opening credits «Easy rider». They take the road 66 40/ to the west cost in order to flee maybe the vietnameen war.They’re tired of the violence so they decide to escape from the autority.

This forced migration or not has consequences on the migrant and the host countrie's reaction

To finish, the migration has various impact on the actors
45/ °The first impact concernes the migrant and the local
Indeed, the novel « The Grapes of Wrath »by John Steinbeck supposes that the migrants are rejected (id)by locals, because they're victims of (ze)xenophobia and the local begin to support the extremists ideologies.
°The other impact concernes the host country which establishs quotas in order to curt 50/ the flow.

We asked(t)about the reason of the migration.The migration can be a choice where we learn more by following what inspire us ,by meeting other people or by being one with nature.As a result an ideological and cultural exchange. However, this migration can be forced by economical or political hardship.Finally, there are impacts on 55/ migrants who are kept out and the host country which enforces new measures(méjures).So my conviction is that the exchanges between differents people is always inriching. That’s why I disapprove of the building of a wall against the latino-migrants in USA.

Répondre :

Très peu d'erreurs, bravo! J'ai mis ici des phrases corrigés, ou celles qui me semblaient bizarre.

This is the world we live in, we are to discover or conquer[phrase trop chelou, tu voulais dire quoi? Ça donne "C'est le monde dans lequel on vit, on est découvrir ou conquérir"]

So, why do people try to emigrate in another country?

Consquetly, there are less prejudices towards other countries[ça veut dire quoi, consquetly?]

This forced migration or not has consequences on the migrant and the host countrie's reaction[La migration forcée ou pas? Si tu veux dire "Forcée ou pas, la migration a des conséquences...", il faut dire "Forced or not, the migration has consequences..."]

That’s why I disapprove the building of a wall against the latino-migrants in USA.