
Bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide pour m'expliquer cet exercice merci d'avance

Bonjour Jai Besoin Daide Pour Mexpliquer Cet Exercice Merci Davance class=

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Bonjour !!

say how the following question is formed.

how + adverb (often) + auxiliary(do) + subject (you) + verb (use)

distance => How far do you live ?

size => How tall are you ?

quantity ==> How many brothers and sisters do you have ?

                    How much did you buy this watch ?

age ==> How old are you ?

We have wi-fi here ==> What do you have here ?

She's walking ===> Who is  walking ?

read the other question....Do they all have Internet access ? Imagine the answer. Can we give the same kind of answers to the questions above ?

answer = Yes, they all have Internet access, No, they don't all have Internet access.(no, all of them don't have Internet access)

We can't give the same kind of answers to the questions above.

Draw your conclusions about asking questions

Pour une question demandant une réponse "oui/non" (renseignements..) ===>  when the answer is going to be "yes" or "no" ==>

Auxilliaire + Subject + BV + (complement) + ?

Quand un pronom interrogatif introduit la question ==> when a question word is used  ==>

Wh-/How, (question word) + (frequency adverb) + auxiliary + subject + verb + (complement) + ?

J'espère que ça t'ira ...

bonne fin de journée :)