
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp Merci d'avance de votre aide.
Sujet: faire un dialogue entre une présidente d'une club de théâtre et une candidate qui veux rejoindre cette club elle doit convaincre la présidente tout son possible.

Répondre :

Presidente= P


P= Welcome, What's your name?

C= Thank you, My name is Claudia.

P=How are old are you?

C=I'm 23 years old

P= Why are you interested by the theater?

C= Because it's my hobie and passion since I'm 5 years old, and because I want to practice theater every day to become better and have more capacity and skills.

P=Good, I will keep you informed of the respons. Thank you for participating and maybe see you soon.

C= Thank's for your time! see you